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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  October 14, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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and weighing inn an astounding 1076 pounds. that is a big pumpkin. >> bring it in with a forklift. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you, guys, we start with a fox news alert. is that a deal on the horizon. a make or break meeting in the white house. i am allyson camerota. >> and i am bill hemmer. >> we are getting closer to a deal. >> president obama asked the big four from the congress to come over at 3 o'clock today. one major difference we are hearing about today. mike is on the hill. what is the difference? >> reporter: the big four is senator harry reid. and mitch mcconnell and john
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boehner and nancy pelosi. and the difference is biden, is going to be a part of the discussions and known for being a deal maker. sources tell me the discussions are basically over how long to fund the government versus how long to extend the nation's ability to borrow moan. democrats like reid want a longer package and they want to open up the cuts from the 2011 debt deal. republicans would like to open up the argument over the nation's debt sooner. this is a leading republicans view on that. >> this would be the sixth time in five years that the president wants a debt ceiling increase and the amount they want is a million dollars a minute for the next year way beyond 20 authority 14 election. a million dollars a minute
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unchecked. >> reporter: main gop senator collins is got a group of bipartisan senators trying to get a deal that included west virginia democrat joe manchin. >> they come from different backgrounds and put the country first. and we are considering our friends and colleagues and the politics of it, but also the good of the country, this is a good template and it is the basis of what is going to happen. > reporter: senate majority harry reid would like to go to the white house with a deal in hand. others say it is not a deal until it done. >> that's right. thavrng you. >> so is vice-president boyd bide back in the mix? what does that tell us?
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chris stierwald, hi, chris. >> happy columbus day. >> thank you, and you, too, what does it tell you that vice-president biden will be in this afternoon's negotiation. >> this is where the vice-president president's job to do what the president can't or unwilling to do. he can broker a compromise. the president is unwilling to seen to cave or make accommodation to republicans. if you recall the president has talked about unconditional increase in the debt limit coupled with an unconditional of federal spending levels or maybe an increase. you bring in joe bide boyd, it is not going to work exactly like that. and he will be in the role of making the deal. >> now there is a school of thought and you wrote a column
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about. this that the democrats are not looking for a resolution. they might say they were but not acting like they were. >> they were trying to inflict maximum pain on ted cruz. dow hold to that theory? >> no, this is not the deal that delivers the deal. this is in the dance that is so annoying and no wonder america hates washington as much as america hates washington. this is the bridge to theentious ventual deal. >> this is how the senate with the help of six republican members tries to jam the house and come back with their counteroffer and they will offer with as little time on the clock with the debt ceiling breach as possible. they will try to blow up john boehner and punish republicans for bringing in the health law. we are in a ultimate at this
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time for ta t. and all of this is working through where you dot thing for the country. >> it feels like there is a lot of extra tegery going on in washington instead of problem solving. there is a way to solve a problem but with all of the back and forth and jockeying that you just described, we are not in the problem- solving point yet. >> we are not at the problem- solving point in this. the question is are we ready to be in crisis avoiding phase. now it is the democrat's turn to bluff. we think you will be worse off if you have the mother of all fiscal cliffs and they will try to beat up on the republicans and when you get down to it, here's the deal. we are arguing about nothing and nothing is going to be resolved
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or fixed in the current crisis that will fundmentally alter the way the government deals with health care or anything. this is can ted cruz blame john boehner and barak obama blame all of the republicans and who will blame who more and who will raise more money from the supporters andous it as a weapon in the upcoming elections. >> we'll see what happens in two hours from now. >> thank you. snrngs a number of states not waiting on the government to do their job. the statue of liberty is back in business. the city of new york was losing more money than it costs to keep it open. and grand canyon is opening and they are working a deal withsh
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>> and the threat of a possible default. shaking the markets earlier today. and the meeting was announced in the white house. the markets are up 4 or 5 points and that doesn't mean that the world is not watching. the head of the imf warning washington that failure to reach a deal can send the global economy in the dumps. how real is that threat? hello, joe, what did she say? >> she basically said you know. hoping they can avoid a pricis. they would cause a massive disruption the world over and the world leaders gathered in washington and they pressed jack lew and ben bernanke and hoping that everyone would come to agreement. >> what other countries are weighing in?
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>> several. germany is weighing in and said that the fiscal stand off has to be resolved without delay and china went on the offense saying that the world should think about de- americanizing themselves and slammed the u.s. dlchlt this is not usual from chinese policy. they are trying to take advantage of this moment as they did when president obama had to cancel his trip to a sia. and the world bank is concerned. >> even if we get to thursday and past the deadline, the u.s. has billions of dollars coming in. and would we not for a positived days and longer make it a priority for the payments that we make as a government? >> i think there is a lot of different ways of looking at it. the global economy and those who lead economies like germany and china certainly feel that confidence would be shattered
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and there is a sense of unease a round the world. the chinese have interest tied up and the trade consumption and confidence all of that plays in to what happens when the debt ceiling expires. nappreciate. that it is very interesting. and on a wednesday alert. all of the congressional leaders are meeting with the white house. >> yeah, they feel better. what we can expect in iran's newest proposal. >> and a new lead in the disappearance of madeline mccann. >> system wide glitches on obama care and why the headaches may not have been a surprise in the obama administration. and an explosive new report on.
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that >> just a couple of weeks ago apple rolled out new operating system and found a glitch and so they fixed it up i don't remember anybody suggesting that apple should stop selling iphones or ipads? [ male announcer ] this is claira. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her, she's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. [ groans ] all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve.
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[ woman #1 ] that's why i cook.
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three volunteer aide workers kidnapped in syria were released. the red cross said gunmen abducted six red cross workers after stopping their convoy in syria the grouches returning to damascus. we have no word on the remaining volunteers conscience or nationalities. it is unclear who is behind the kidnapping. the syria news agency blamed terrorist. that is a term used for those who oppose president assad. snrs dead lean for the iranian
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talks. the u.s. officials are warning do not expect a break through over time. the president of iran was willing to talk about the nuclear program. they are trying to convince the u.s. that they have only peaceful intentions. casy mcfar land is here. the enriched uranium that the iranians agreed to hand over three years ago will no longer happen. before the talks begin are they backing off? >> i was a victim of the charm offensive when president rouhani came to new york. he said the iranian people elected me with a mantaet. they want improved economic relations with the united
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states. tho that is code for lifting the sanctions. and second thing he said iran has the right to master and develop the fuel sieblg and that is code for not giving up technology or stop. we'll stop before we get nukes. that means they will not get to the point where they have a nuclear weapon to deliver to the united states. they are going to stop when they are a week away from having a nuclear weapon or 2 or 6 months away and it is called the break out period and that is the deal they are reporting. >> are you suggesting that the sanctions have been working like strangling the economy of iran and getting the leaders to pay attention. are you suggesting that we will lift the sanctions? >> that's the deal. we'll lift andel that pretend to stop the program and we'll
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pretend to believe them. whatever you do, don't add more sanctions. and the only leverage is the economic one over iran and that is the safrpgzs and the other thing worth pointing out. every president whether lbj or nixon or reagan. they are looking a round for their legacy and usually in that presidency six into it things are not going well at home. obama, things are not going well. we have budget, debt and obama care. what better thing to do to have a peace agreement between iran and the united states. they are desperate. >> a peace agreement between the u.s. and rieshgs an. you see that happening? >> absolutely. they will trumpet this as big as
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kissinger's opening to china they want a deal. and iran wants back the economy. and iran will not stop the nuclear weapons program. the only thing that will stop it is a military stop and that's not what we will do. >> the israelis might though. you can see fast track negotiations. and we are willing if they are willing. and we are willing to loosen the sanctions. >> they keep talking. we are starting to negotiate with ourselves and what will iran do? the longer they negotiate, less likely an israel attack will happen and less likely. they will get closer to having nuclear cappability. >> negotiations start tomorrow in geneva.
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there was a huge brawl on a game. snrs and a man on a drawbridge, how did she get. there >> they told her to hold on and not look her knees or jump. i'm overhe hill.
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here we go. the president left the white scombhiet made a stop on martha's pantry and the latest on the shut down with his view. watch. >> i will have an opportunity to meet with congressional leaders this afternoon. and i am going to once again, urge them to open the government and make sure that the united states government is paying the bills. it is fairly simple.
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the whole shut down has been completely unnecessary. keep in mind that the problem that the u.s. ran out of money. the deficits have been cut in half since i came in office and continuing to go down and the problem is not the opportunity for us to work intelligently to come up with a budget to create long- term fiscal stability. the problem is it is a strategy time and time again to exact bon skegz. >> and now you have a meeting at 3 o'clock easter time. are they close to a deal or not. that's the president. >> well, there is new violence in a soccer match in brazil.
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watch this. this fight began at half-time when fans of one club tried to invade the empty space and that led to a clash with police. and police detained a few dozen fans. and just a few weeks ago it delayed a summer and this summer a ref was killed in the game. >> this is something to watch when the olympics roll a round. >> it is just a game. >> i am telling you. 23 minutes past the hour. new information on a daring rescue for a woman in florida. on a drawbridge. she is the one who might face
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charges. >> this is normally in the up position and down for a few minutes when it is train go by. loud horns go off when the train is coming. despite the warning, the 55-year-old woman tried to cross it and the brimming started to rise 22 feet in the air. >> i was telling her to stay on the bridge and not look her knows and jump. >> it was upseting and people we were crying. and finding on out if she is okay. >> reporter: the operators offered to lower it down, but instead the firefighter went with a 20 foot ladder and the entire operation took 22
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minutes. now she faces charges of trespassing. >> what an ending. >> i think she has learned her lesson. >> there is pictures on line and in the twittersphere. she was terrified. why business owners are skirting the law and paying a hefty find instead of signing up for obama care. >> guards in some prisones are not getting paid but the prisoners are, figure that one out. across america people are taking charge
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what's your policy? we'll take a quick check of the headlines, a six-year-old boy, drowned on a pool on a carnival cruise line. family members were in the yir at the time. it appears accidental but they are investigating. new research to high levels of bpa can reduce the miscarriages in some people. listen to this story. postal service is recalling the new postage stamps that promote fitness. some of the skateboarding and cannonballing are unsafe. >> tell that to the skateboarder. >> he was supposed to be wearing
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knee pads. you don't so knee pads on him and that's what is unsafe. >> he has helmet on in >> he has helmet hair. >> i would vote for cannonball over six hours in front of the video screen. mother of three you get that? >> cannonballs i don't so a safety issue. temporary staffing agencies. did they offer health coverage or drop coverage for everybody and pay the 2,000 employee fine. johnrobers visited a temp agency. what did you find out? >> this is one of those stories that start people scratching their heads. debbie and larry built a temp staffing agency. they have 18 full- time employees that they provide genous health care for.
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temporary workers are in a separate program. when obama care kicks in. full- time counts all of the hours by the workers including the temps and that means effective full- time tavwill go from 18 to 200 overnight. that is above the 50 employee threshold for mandatory health insurance. >> we would have to offer benefit's program and coverage program to all of the employees, which we as a company cannot afford or pay the fine or tax. >> now because that fine is below the cost of health insurance. they will pay $2,000 per employee a year and could fake 400,000 off of the bottom line. and what is more, they can't maintain the separate program for the full- time employees and all of them will lose the
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current coverage and be put in the insurance exchange. they are frustrated that the government does not see the unintended consequences of the new law. >> it does make me very angry that we worked so hard and then somebody comes in and say you have to do it this way, it is going to affect us very negatively. it makes us angry. >> they are hopeful with the delay and implementation, the government will realize the unintended consequences. they are hopeful but not confident. >> thank you, john. >> how is obama care going? the white house was well aware of the issue of the obama care web site months in advance of the launch. weeks in the launch they are run nothing major problems. >> joe tripp and tony, good day
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to both of you gentlemen. >> joe, can you defend this on day 14 now? >> it is an embarrassment, but there is not much they could have done to avoid it? >> really what about the new york times report that they knew the web site was a mess last spring? >> google or any company that does this kind of stuff rolls out a few number of consumers 50 or 100,000 and test it and then write new code to take out the bugs before they roll it out and scale it up and up and up and in the millions. when you are running a government, you can't do that and it is available to everybody in the same time. that's the first reason. and the second reason, the people who ran the advanced campaign for president are not the people who built this. they were not in the government procurement system.
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and you have people who know how to get procurement contracts and building that can't be scaled up in government. >> joe, you are making the argument why the government can't handle this. >> what joe is saying tis too big and ambitious for the federal government to tackle? >> excuse me, joe. they don't know how to handle it. you can't test a web site that every american will have to enteract with to purchase health insurance under the pen anlty of law because you roll it out to everyone at once is ridiculous. you had the chief digital architect of the obama care exchanges that he was pannished and nervous about the debut of the web site and worried it was a third world experience. they warned in june it would not be ready on october 1st. how about just releasing it when it
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is ready and people can interact with it in a way that makes sense to them. >> joe, your response? >> it wouldn't matter. the second you release it. there are going to be bugs and trouble with that many people coming on the system. not microsoft or google or any tech company that releases to the entire world a new surface. >> joe, real quick. >> you are not making the case. it is like cash for clunkers and another lemon out there. >> you have six months to interact with it? >> you have three and half years to get ready. >> what happens in six months when it is not ready. you make it sound like it is just a server problem. no, they are not. they are front end problems and you can't register. when you try to to log on and
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couldn't navigate to pick a plan in the current web site. they are fatal flaws and not just glitches and you z have walt blitzier who is considered to be left stream media. if it is not ready delay for a year so people can use. it >> joe, it seems like it is more than glitches. >> i said this is a real embarrassment and i don't think they could have avoided it no matter when you launch or do it, you will have these kinds of massive problems given the scale. they can't wait six months to get it right. >> it should have been ready on the first of october. >> no way it would be. >> you come back and wear a board like wolf. >> i will. >> and if tony is wrong, he is on. >> thank you.
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a break in the madeline mccann investigation. new clues may significantly change the investigation. that's what we are hearing. clients are always learning more
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . abgal hernandez was seen leaving her high school in new hampshire near the norlthern border. the mother spoke and begging her to come home. are they any closer to answers? >> reporter: no, it is six days since abgal hernandez went missing. it is completely out of character accord toth fbi special agent in cause of the case. this is the last known confirmed siting of hernandez as she left her high school.
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they are looking at cell phone recalls and she made the last call in that area. the new hampshire fish and game are searching for hernandez, using those teams to comb through rural areas. a bby turned 15 on saturday. and her mother held a news conference begging her to come home. >> abbey, please come home. and we miss you so badly. and we think about you all of the time. and we want you back with us, please and we love you and miss you. and happy birthday recollects a bby. >> reporter: she asked frepdz to come forward if there were any changes in abbey. the fbi is using the child
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abduction rapid deployment team and pulling agents as far as virginia. medical examiner's were called to the scene twice. they are stopping traffic to spread the word and there is billboards with her image. >> thank you for watching that story for us. >> another missing girl story. new developments in the search for madeline mccann. there is a computer generated image of a man who they want to question in her disappearance. the family vacational in port you goal. here is the reporter. >> reporter: they released these two pictures of the same person. they believe they were seen in
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the outskirts at 10 o'clock p.m. on the evening that madeline mccann. he was seen carrying a small child just a couple of hundred of meters. this is an appeal going out on british television and more details will be released here. and why they are is an important development but not saying why it is a focus of the investigation. >> now ian, police say the time line of madeline's disappearance significantly changed. do we know what they mean by that? >> they have this windowo 8:30 and 10 o'clock p.m. in the evening when they knew madeline was taken from the apartment. they believed that the abduction
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happen at some point in this time and revealing what they are revealing this evening will pinpoint the time that madeline was taken. this is an investigation that is carried out by the british police and not the portuguese police. they had closed the inquiry and only that the british police uncovered the files to get more information. >> it is a shame to take six years to develop a new lead. it could be so promising in the days after madeline first disa pored. do you know how the mort gese authorities are responding to this now information. the mccanns maintained that the portuguese police botched the whole investigation? >> the portuguese police have done nothing in the last 4 or 5 years. but they have begun to cooperate with the scotland detectives.
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they haven't reopened. but six are signing to go with the british police. there is more cooperation that is now under way and it is a immense frustration to her parents that nothing was done in port you goal for five years. >> of course, have the mccanns spoken out at all and the new sketch has been released? >> they are cagey about making public pronouncements and the british police encouraged them not to do so. but they have cooperated with the police appeal. in all of the time they appealed for help in tracing their daughter they had to do it themselves. they had to hire pr people and campaigners. and this is the first time they will appear alongside police officers who are actively investigating and they hope it
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is significant to make people sit down and listen to what they are saying and hopefully provide new leaves. snshs tonight is the crime watch program on the bbc. let's pray there is a resolution and copclusion to the long standing case. >> that is later tonight. check in the real story with grechen carlson. >> coming up on the real story. senate dems say we are close. big four congressional members meeting with the president very soon. and we'll have the latest. and ted carouse and former governor sarah palin said. gretta will be with us live. and walmart working to make more things here in the usa and keep jobs on the american soil. we'll tell you about products you will want to buy.
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shut up to controversy. guards are not paid but prisoners are. >> go figure that. and one man's amazing tale of survival. >> 19 days was nothing for him. i knew he was there. >> and no, i anyhow. that.
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wail until you hear this hunter's amazing tale of survive value. a 72 yard man is recovering after he went miss for 19 days following a fall and losing consciousness during a hike. he said he survive bid eating squirrels, lizards, a snake, frogs, and berries. he drank water from a creek and
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covered himself from leaves to stay warm. never losing faith that he would be found. >> i knew that. in the process of staying down, for a while i felt my leg was broken. up and down, all dead, dead. i pass out. i don't know how long. >> he passed out, he doesn't know for how long. but he is one tough guy. his ordeal finally ending when a search party heard his cry for help after two weeks. >> good for him. >> right? >> know what a lizard tastes like. >> chick sgen. >> chicken. >> you know what a snake tastes like. >> chicken. >> snake. guards in federal prisons are not being paid now but the inmates are. >> prisoners are still being paid for the job they do while in custody. joining us on the phone is the
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president of the american federation of government employees local chapter in yankton, south dakota. michelle, how are you? what's makes your situation particularly troubling is that both you and your husband work at the prison there in yankton and neither of you are being paid. do you both still is have to go to work? >> yes, we do. and we're not -- we're not getting paid. >> right. but yet the inmates there are being paid for their, i guess, work study jobs or what is the loophole that allows the prisoners to be paid but not the guards? >> there's a different funding for the inmate pay, and that has been funded. but yet the government workers, the accepted workers are not being paid. >> what do -- specifically, what are the prisoners paid for, michelle? >> they do inmate jobs, order
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orderlies, et cetera. >> a couple hours a day? what does that add up to? >> it all depends on what worksite they work at. >> now, michelle, what did you think when you found out that because of the government shutdown you and your husband would not be able to pay all of your bills for lord knows how long but the prisoners would still be paid? >> it's frustrating. it's frustrating that the government can't get together and pay us for the work that we are doing and yet we are expected to be at work every single day doing our job and -- with a mile on, i guess. >> you will bet back pay, though, right, michelle. >> i certainly hope so. we should be getting paid as soon as the government opens up. but right now we've got bills to pay. we've got groceries to buy, et cetera. >> were you working there 17 years ago, the last time? >> i've been working there almost 18 years. >> was your pay cut off then, in the mid '90s? >> actually i just started working for the bureau,
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orientation, being told i probably wasn't going to get paid. it was a little scary back then and scarier now. >> you don't know, you say, whether or not you will get backpay, even if you do have you told your credit card company, have you told your mortgage bank, have you tried to bartter with your grocer and explain to them at some point you might be able to pay them but not now? >> we will get paid. we know that. it's just, like i said, you know, mortgage companies, i know there's many of them that have been working with government employees because obviously there's about 38,000 government workers right now not getting paid. i know some of the companies are being very good to work with, others not so good. >> michelle, good luck, okay, and to your husband as well. >> okay. >> traditionally the backpay comes and a bit of a hurdle for some folks right now. >> i just hope the president and leaders in congress are
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listening to people like michelle and their story for how hard it is for them to make ends meet during these weeks. >> good luck, michelle, to you and your family. the red sokx pull off a may your comeback in the championship series. there was a police officer who everyone is talking about today. ♪ [ ship horn blows ] no, no, no! stop! humans. one day we're coming up with the theory of relativity, the next... not so much. but that's okay -- you're covered with great ideas like optional better car replacement from liberty mutual insurance. total your car and we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. learn about it at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility.
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we understand capitol hill could be inching closer to some sort of deal. >> you think? >> wstzall street appears to li that. 20 20 points. >> the fact that they're talking about 3:00 today might be a good sign, the weekend, pretty much -- we'll take anything. >> it was down triple digits two hours ago. it's come back a little bit.
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in the meantime, a boston police officer making headlines for his response to david ortiz' game time grand slam last night. this is an image that will go down in sports history. watch. >> two outs. hard hit to right. back at the wall! >> we see him right there? bottom left-hand corner. that's officer steve raising his hands in victory. wait for it, boom. social media lit up moments later. this boston cop is my new favorite person. >> apparently not everyone is a fan. so people are party poopers at kdodd3, on in boston does a cop on duty cheer on a home run. >> only in boston? >> i think the nypd would be all over that thing. >> absolutely. that was great. >> red sox won the game, too. >> they weren't too happy about that in detroit, though, were they? >> i guess not. anyway, thanks for watching us. i'm allison. >> i'm bill. game three tomorrow night in
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detroit. the real story starts in a matter of seconds. >> we'll see you tomorrow. and today on "the real st y story," just one hour from now the president and big four leaders are going to meet, say they're close to an agreement that would solve the shutdown standoff. we have the latest including analysis from carl rove. also, senators ted cruz and former governor sarah palin at the million vet march. greta joins us live as well. plus, walmart is working to make hour products here in the united states and keep more jobs here on american soil. so who is making these products and why you should support them. and wow, did you react to our no makeup segment on empowering young girls on friday? your feedback ahead. but first -- we are live on the senate floor for you right now. word of progress with majority


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